Wednesday, December 30, 2009

Thoughts From The Heart <3

When your feeling at your weakest and your strength is completely gone...
physically you are drained and your spirits couldn't be any lower... things in the world seem to be slipping out of your grasp and only you see the danger of losing control.When out of nowhere a new day dawns...and the sun comes out again and somewhere you know that someone is looking down.Caring for you,loving you, holding you up and giving you the strength to simply put one foot in front of the other again.It doesn't mean that everything is suddenly better.But it does mean that you are not alone in your daily life.The things you face and the pain you feel,and the load you carry are simply another part of your journey.Fair or not fair,whatever cards have been dealt out to you are in your hands.You are the one who has to play them.So make the best of it.Don't gamble on the negative side of things.Instead put your faith in the positive side and know that tomorrow may hold a New beginning of joy, Happiness,blessing and courage,to overcome and soar above whatever life deals you next.One step at a time,play the cards,to finish the game...a winner!

Sunday, November 29, 2009


Have you ever fallen in love and never in your wildest dreams imagined that you would? When you find that just know that life will NEVER be the same again without them.I have found that person and wow iv'e never been so happy in my entire life!!!I love you Baby!!!

Sunday, September 13, 2009


Be thankful you're alive.Thank God in heaven for every breath you have.Don't take the air in your lungs forgranted.Give thanx that someone loves you and really cares about you as a person and not just about your benifits!Never ever throw away the possibility of of reaching for the stars and actually touching them.We all have a purpose and should live our lives daily striving to fulfill the task that we were put on this earth to complete!Life is precious.Oxygen is vital.Survival is key. but the eternal destination is never ending.Forever is a long time.Consider where you're going to spend it!

Tuesday, March 3, 2009

A New Day

Each day is another chance to live,love,laugh,and breathe.Never underestimate your potential,or your limits.You can go as far as you like and you can dream as big as you choose!You are full of promise and life.But only you can make the real decision what you will do with it!So make a good decision and be strong in your convictions.Never waist a moment!